除了這個部落格外, 我偶爾也在 tumblr 出沒, 潛在裡面看看美圖…
一直很感謝湯上的朋友們總是熱情的支持, 默默的我也1200個發漏者了XD
小妹不才, 沒什麼大禮可獻上, 只好盡我所能自由發揮啦!
臉部細節是上次分享皮的改版, 把眼睛畫得更細緻一點, 鼻子更挺一點, 即使只做兩個小改變, 也讓我進出遊戲至少 40 次以上了 T_T…
另外還有五個新膚色, 我真的受不了內建的膚色啦XD, 這款膚色是偏歐美一點的, 微微粉紅肌 (有嗎?)
大家有興趣的話, 歡迎到 tumblr 帶回家 🙂
Asia Face Detail v2.0
比起第一版, 眼睛多了更多細節, 並且鼻子更挺了一些, 眼瞼的部分花了蠻多心思一筆一筆畫, 應該有更像真實眼睛一點
The eyes is more realistic and the nose more pretty in this version 🙂
Category: Skin Detail (臉部細節)
Teen / Young Adult / Adult / Elder
New Skin Tone N1
新的五個膚色, 加入一點點粗糙感, 還有調整內建的打光, 讓T字部位還有臉頰更立體, 下巴更尖一點
new 5 color skin
Category: Skin Color (皮膚顏色)
Female / Male
Teen / Young Adult / Adult / Elder

Find downloads or post your custom content in SimsDay. I update my new active here :D
一個模擬市民的分享社群,我都在這裡更新我的最新資訊哦 ^^。
My SimsDay Page
hello, I tried to download the original and updated version of this skin detail but it constantly shows me an error about my connection not working, I was hoping if you could look into this and maybe fix this issue.
the error specifically said: An error occurred while establishing the database connection
Hi, this error has fixed.
Thank you for your reply