嗨!我是壯兔! 我熱愛模擬市民&模擬城市已經好幾年了!連我自己都算不清楚。 以前我很喜歡製作模擬市民擴充物件,不過近年來開始工作後我已經太少時間去做這些事。 不過我依然熱愛這款遊戲! 如果你喜歡這個部落格,歡迎訂閱:) http://sims.pauleanr.com/feed/ Hello, I'm Paulean. I'm busy at work. So I rarely get time to play sims. But I love this game! Thank all the people who like my resources! You can subscribe my blog if you like these articles! http://sims.pauleanr.com/feed/
Hi I don't mean to sound stupid...but I am in love with your cc, it's beautiful. But, I'm confused I don't understand how do you download it? I press download and it takes me to this page with arrows and words that say download but there's more than one.
Haha, I figured it out now, never mind. Thank you for the perfect cc though. <3
I'm glad that you find the right link :D
thank you for like my cc ^^
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單寧藍色系我愛>w< <3
穴穴尼 VIP~這是你 der 卡~~
湖水綠當初只給你看 3D 界面的, 進遊戲比較好抗一點~~揪咪愛你~
我也很愛這件男友褲的皺摺(自己講 XD)
Hi I don't mean to sound stupid...but I am in love with your cc, it's beautiful. But, I'm confused I don't understand how do you download it? I press download and it takes me to this page with arrows and words that say download but there's more than one.
Haha, I figured it out now, never mind. Thank you for the perfect cc though. <3
I'm glad that you find the right link :D
thank you for like my cc ^^